Use "realisation|realisations" in a sentence

1. Commercial realisation of projects, advertising and promotion

2. Those intentions were noble, the realisation fraught.

3. She waited for realisation, for pain to smite her.

4. These are factors which may accelerate realisation of the Lisbon Strategy.

5. These offer spectacular growth evolution, long-term realisation, quality and aestheticism.

6. Cold realisation of what she was doing swamped her fevered body.

7. This was intended to tie the Member States to prompter realisation of projects.

8. In our newfound realisation, we have coined the word holistic to summarise this concept.

9. Gives in to the Accusals after the realisation that it was necessary

10. It'seemed that the realisation of his life's dream oppressed him with overjoy.

11. Fulfilling that need with quality at an affordable cost is the realisation through Brainiacs

12. This was perhaps the first attempt at a reverential realisation of India as our motherland.

13. Catharsis has come to mean to cleanse or purge one’s soul through self-realisation

14. Synonyms for Achievings include perfection, achievement, realisation, realization, fulfillment, fulfilment, accomplishments, actualization, completions and

15. So its final fulfilment will lie not simply in the realisation of a wholly self-possessed life.

16. Just as this realisation dawned, a luckless couple drew into the parking space to read a map.

17. With it came the realisation of the meaning of the horrifying dream about the little muttering peasant.

18. Symbolisation is explained as a form of interactional realisation of this structure in analytical dialogue.

19. Her hand froze against his cheek as the realisation tensed every muscle in her body.

20. The realisation left him with a feeling of anguish so great that it threatened to engulf him.

21. The work-sites are stage-managed to reconcile time span, seasonal evolution, long-term realisation, quality and aestheticism.

22. Therefore, we should accelerate investment, simplify the realisation of cohesion policy programmes and make these programmes more flexible.

23. Wider realisation that Bromism still occurs and stricter control of the sale of bromide preparations without prescription are advocated.

24. A high-strength and high-accumulation capacity multi-layer filter medium and a process for realisation thereof

25. He was suddenly aware of the coldness beneath his chin and his eyes widened in shocked realisation.

26. Leveraging the large scale pilots to accelerate the concrete realisation of the objective of the new legislative framework.

27. I think that, with this report, we are, once again, one step closer to the realisation of the internal market.

28. 1 The reluctance of the Irish players to demonise Henry stemmed from the realisation that they, too, could be culprits.

29. In order to facilitate realisation of investment projects it should be possible for Member States to pay advances.

30. Borrowes needs to assess the number of projects on going, and what their realisation will mean in terms of employment

31. I have taken this course solely to assist the realisation of my assets for the benefit of all my creditors.

32. This comes from the realisation of a common goal focused around sustainability and the appreciation of one another within the area.

33. Consumer goods occupy a much more contradictory place in the circulation and realisation of capital than do fixed assets.

34. But, the great task that the country wants to accomplish today is the realisation of our dream of a ‘Cashless Society’.

35. The apoprotein components of the lipoproteins are also demonstrated in view of the recent realisation of their importance in lipid metabolism.

36. Amirs Gym is the realisation of a dream to set up a center to help the lives of special needs children

37. A glance through the catalogues soon brings the realisation that the choice is much greater than existed even a few years ago.

38. Worse still was the realisation that we were in constant danger from anacondas, caimans (a sort of small alligator) and piranha fish.

39. Since we need to accumulate extensive merit in order to generate realisation and achieve enlightenment quickly, we should attempt to Circumambulate as perfectly as possible.

40. With the joining of Turkey, we believe the ACD will further the realisation of Asian continent into Asian community and add dynamism to ACD process.

41. These two faces of modern India , one rugged , one chiselled , both equally luminous , represent two aspects of Indian sadhana or realisation of life ' s truth .

42. AAAS had at its disposal various enforcement methods for those receivables as provided by the Government Emergency Ordinance No 51/1998 on the realisation of State assets.

43. Avision for Empowerment is a beneficial programme, that has a profound impact on prisoners and the realisation of what they as an individual can achieve

44. Since we need to accumulate extensive merit in order to generate realisation and achieve enlightenment quickly, we should attempt to Circumambulate as perfectly as possible.

45. The Bothie The opening of The Bothie on Saturday, December 7, 2013 was the realisation of a five-year vision by Kintore community charity, Action Kintore SCIO

46. Beach (1938) reported that the Khoekhoe of the time had a velar lateral ejective affricate, , a common realisation or allophone of /kxʼ/ in languages with clicks.

47. Love to one Another, and therefore sacrifice of self for Another's good, would be, in the truest sense, a realisation of His presence in their midst

48. Was there any realisation of the fact that this economic downturn should not block funds to developing countries for mitigation and adaptation to climate change at the G20 meeting?

49. The EC funded "Verification and Launch of Integrated Digital Advanced Television in Europe" project, or briefly, VALIDATE, resulted in key breakthrough achievements that allowed its successful realisation.

50. Antonine College was the realisation of a dream for the Antonine Sisters, who came from Lebanon in the 1980s to minister to the Christian Lebanese and Maronite community.

51. In this regard, they stress the importance of the development of a roadmap and modalities for the progressive realisation of an East Asian community in the EAS framework.

52. The purpose of the confiscation proceedings is to secure a penal order that may lead to the realisation of property in which the Abscondee and third parties have an …

53. But when the individual frees himself from the limits imposed by finiteness through the realisation of the Absolute , he breaks through the vicious circles of karma and sansar and attains moksha ( salvation ) .

54. 'A brilliant researcher in aeronomy and a great administrator of research in Europe, Gérard Mégie was a committed European, very involved in the realisation of the European Research Area,' said the Commissioner.

55. Focusing on its actual realisation, the VALIDATE consortium implemented the European specification for digital terrestrial television broadcasting in order to verify it in detail for the successful launch of integrated digital advanced television in Europe.

56. Note 19: Allophones of /b/, /d/ and /g/ Allophones of /b/: although /b/ is a single phoneme, its exact realisation depends on context: it is a voiced stop after a pause or a consonant that isn't a written s

57. It is this realisation of the Absolute , sweeping away the distinction between ' I ' and ' Thou ' which is the central idea in the religious philosophy of the Hindus and which is to them the ultimate moral value .

58. This plan was abandoned for various reasons, including the realisation that the chalk of the cliffs would not provide significant protection from radiation, and because of the inconvenient form of the tunnels and their generally poor condition.

59. The great advance that we have made in the last decade is in the common realisation throughout the region that we all need a peaceful environment to concentrate on what really matters, seeking to provide security and prosperity to our citizens.

60. But even apart from this , the treatment accorded to the Indian people during the past year by the British authorities , the latter ' s attempts to encourage every disruptive and reactionary tendency , their forcible realisations of money for the war from even the poor of India , and thier repeated affronts to Indian nationalism , are such that we can never forget them or ignore them .

61. Even gautam buddha left the five ascetics 'Kondana, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama, Assaji' when he realised that even after going through severe Austerities until his body was almost emaciated, that Austerities could not lead to realisation, he abandoned themthey how could you say that we have to sacrifice all

62. The Aghast and thunderstricken philosophers remained gazing at each other for a moment.: I heard Cousin Egbert say with what I was Aghast to suspect was admiration.: When mamma saw the wide staircase leading to the dormitories she was Aghast.: Mercedes begged, Aghast, quaking in realisation of the enormity of her mistake

63. Johnson ( 1998 ) points out that facultative Anaerobism of acidophiles, previously dismissed, could have major implications for AMD control.; I need some quick resources that outline how our current information of Anaerobism developed-- currently I only have information on who first discovered glycolysis which IMO would be quite after the realisation that bacteria could develop in anaerobic

64. All ideas about psychology and the theory of knowledge found in Patanjali are taken from Sankhya philosophy : His aim , like that of Sankhya , is that the human soul should free itself from the bonds of nature , from its own body , from karma and sansar and attain the realisation of truth and the state of absolute peace of mind which he calls the Yoga .

65. A majority reasoned that Amerind's right of indemnity was not "property [of the company] comprised in or subject to a circulating security interest", but the inventory itself was such "property of the company" and the receivers were, as Amerind would have been, entitled to apply the proceeds of its realisation in satisfaction of the claims of

66. Knitandpurl commented on the word Chimerical "For years I had believed that the notion of going to Mme Swann's was a vague, Chimerical dream to which I should never attain; after I had spent a quarter of an hour in her drawing-room, it was the time when I did not yet know her that had become Chimerical and vague like a possibility which the realisation of an alternative possibility has destroyed."